There are 15 gardens in all, each with its own story : a formal French garden, an English garden, a medicinal garden, the Garden of the Virgin, a rose garden, the Garden of the Wild Island, the Garden of Angels, the Garden of the Infant Jesus, and others.
3,500 varieties of plants across 4 hectares around the abbey (circa 12th, 16th and 18th centuries). A peaceful place full of colours and scents.
Surface area
4 hectares
Other / Special features
Plants for sale at the nursery.
Guest rooms.
Corporate seminars.
Label Jardin Remarquable (Remarkable garden)
Classé Monument Historique (Historical Monument)
Opening Hours
01/04 to 01/11.
Every day except Mondays 2 pm to 5 pm.
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays : 2 pm – 6 pm.
Full price : €8.
Reduced rate : €5.
Children under 12 : free.
Guided tour : €10/Person (10 perso, minimum).
Pass’jardins : €20 (valid all season long).
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