Les Jardins de la Romance


26 rue de l’Église – 67390 OHNENHEIM
+33 (0)6 27 34 92 81 +33 (0)3 68 05 50 71


In front of an old 17th-century farmhouse, visitors will find a little garden featuring boxwood topiaries, perennials, rose bushes and hydrangeas, all harmoniously arranged around antique decorative elements made of sandstone and cast iron.
When they go through the barn and walk under an enchanting archway, visitors will appreciate the peace and quiet of this garden, with its centuries-old willows, flowerbeds and wide variety of plants that flourish across the seasons under the benevolent gaze of a statue of a beautiful lady.

Surface area

1 800 m2

Other / Special features

  • Member of a cross-border organisation with opening of the garden as part of the “Tag der Offenen GartenTür” event organised by the Landkreis Emmendingen (Germany) and the PETR Sélestat
  • Dry toilets

Opening Hours

By appointment and during the “Rendezvous at the Gardens” event.


2 € – all proceeds go to an association for disabled children.

On site


Visitors with reduced mobility

Pets allowed on a lead



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