Le Parc du Manoir


92 rue de la Liberté – 67600 KINTZHEIM
+33 (0)3 88 82 04 45 +33 (0)6 08 75 55 15


In around 1802, the future Baron of the Empire Mathieu de Favier bought an old feudal castle on a foothill of the Vosges, downhill from which he had a manor built.
On the slope between the house in the Directoire style and the Gothic-style fortress, Favier created a “jardin-tableau” (picture garden) in the late 18th century.

Surface area

27 hectares, of which 6 may be visited


6, 7 and 8 June 2025: Rendez-vous aux jardins (Encounters in the Gardens)
19, 20 and 21 September 2025: Journées Européennes du Patrimoine (European Heritage Days)

Other / Special features

  • Access: Park entrance through the gate on Place de la Krutenau in the village.
    Parking across from the entrance gate on the other side of the road (do not go up to the Volerie des Aigles Eagle Park).
  • Documents available : tour sheet (historical).
  • Label Jardin Remarquable (Remarkable garden)
  • Classé Monument Historique

Opening Hours

Year-round by appointment made in writing or by phone.
On Saturdays and Sundays from 2 pm to 7 pm, during the “Garden Days” and during the “Heritage Days”.
And on Fridays in both cases the park is open for school groups by appointment.

The visit is around 1 hour long.


Free admission.

On site

Individual tour

Group tour

Visitors with reduced mobility

Pets allowed on a lead



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